Admiral – $100,000
Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County
Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County
Vice Admiral – $50,000
Anonymous Donor
Dr. Richard G. Sugden
Ed Rachal Foundation
American Electric Power (AEP Texas)
Corpus Christi Medical Center
Anonymous Donor Anonymous Donor, $50,000 donation
Corpus Christi Medical Center Website
Rear Admiral – $25,000
Kleberg Bank
Kingsville Council Of The Navy League
Texas A&M University – Kingsville
City of Kingsville
Kleberg County, Texas
General Dynamics Systems
Texas A&M University – Kingsville
Captain – $10,000
Valero Energy
Hicks Automotive Group
USS Lexington Museum
Texas State Aquarium
HEB Grocery
Commander – $5,000
Law Office of Sam R. Fugate
Neessen Chevrolet GMC
Sames Kingsville Ford
GE Aerospace
Law Office of Sam R. Fugate
Lieutenant Commander – $1,000
Kingsville Chamber of Commerce
In Loving Memory of PNC Martin J. Chiuminatto Sr. (USNR-Ret)
United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce
Woman’s Club of Kingsville
The Hamm Family
Jamey and Judy Clement
IBC Bank
Tres and Olive Anne Kleberg
Kingsville Chamber of Commerce Website
In Loving Memory of PNC Martin J. Chiuminatto Sr. (USNR-Ret) By CDR and Mrs. Martin J. Chiuminatto Jr. (USNR-Ret) in loving memory of PNC Martin J. Chiuminatto Sr. (USNR-Ret)
United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce $1000
Woman’s Club of Kingsville
Jamey and Judy Clement $1,000
Tres and Olive Anne Kleberg Tres and Olive Anne Kleberg
$2,500 Donation
Lieutenant – $500
Mark McLaughlin
Ensign – $100
Cynthia Tobar
Sam Fugate
Norma Nelda Alvarez and Al Garcia
Jon Trawick
Lance Hamm
Rose Marie Damron
Norma Nelda Alvarez and Al Garcia $200 Donation
Rose Marie Damron $100 Donation
No members found
City of Kingsville
HRMG HRMG, a local web development and media production company, proudly supports the USS Kingsville project through the donation and ongoing maintenance of its website. Our commitment to enhancing community initiatives is reflected in our dedication to this important historical preservation effort.